Sunday 19 February 2012

Film Opening Remake

The film opening we chose to remake was The Shining. (1980) We chose this film opening out of a selection of films and ultimately chose The Shining as we thought it would be more of a challenge to try and remake in comparison to a film opening such as Juno.

By doing this film opening we learnt more about time management and organisation- before we shot the film we had to create a storyboard and shotlist. This helped us be more prepared in what we were going to film and allowed us to discuss ideas and possibilities as a group before filming. Creating a film opening also helped us to think about location, especially as we were only allowed to film on the school site. This will help us when creating our actual film opening as location is important in making shots suitable. Something I personally got out of creating a film opening is more knowledge in film editing, using iMovie, as at times the shots we had to work with weren't long enough or of best quality and so editing was used to tweak them. This taught us that we should attempt to re-film shots more than two or three times in order to have the best to choose from when it comes to editing. 

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